Time is the most precious thing in our life. The better you structure your schedule, the more you are able to do and the more implemented ideas and nice works appear.
There are plenty of thoughts, goals, plans in a creative thinker’s head! They appear again and again, filling all the head. In order to have space for new ideas you need to get rid of the old ones and keep them in a safe place!
So here occurs another problem: I’ve seen very few good diaries for that purpose.
One day we came up with an idea to create a diary, which will make it easier to structure a working schedule, store ideas, make plans, as well as enjoy its beauty.
We were creating Levsha Designer Diary with my soul and dedication. The most simple functionality nicely goes with the esthetic content of the diary.
Over a year was spent on the diary’s design. And now we’d like you to evaluate this work!
The diary is created for designers, as well as people of other creative professions.
It will help you to organize your plans really easy, structure the working schedule, make notes of your ideas, thoughts and wishes.
Feed the dog on Kickstarter!
At the same time every diary helps homeless animals to get food. The project LEVSHA DESIGNER DIARY was launched on Kickstarter.com to fulfill these two purposes.
First of all, 5% of the diary value will be sent to a shelter for homeless animals. Secondly, this is a real way to organize unorganized designers’ plans. More than a year was spent on the diary’s design, the most simple functionality nicely goes with the esthetic content of the diary.
For more details please visit the project page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/139688457/levsha-designer-diary-organize-your-life-creative
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Media Contact
Company Name: Levsha Designer Diary
Contact Person: Lesha Limonov
Email: lesha.limonov@gmail.com
Country: Belarus
Website: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/139688457/levsha-designer-diary-organize-your-life-creativel